Meat dishes

Beef stew

The recipe for the proposed beef jelly is not so complicated, but its presentation is unusual. Your guests will definitely appreciate the convenient, small portions of beef jello in cocktail glasses that can be eaten without leftovers.

Beef stew – ingredients

Beef jello recipe

We start cooking beef jelly. To begin with, oil the bone with meat, pulp, peeled carrot and onion cut in half. Fry all this in the oven heated to maximum for 20 minutes. After that, put the meat and vegetables in a large pot, pour cold water (6-7 liters) and bring to a boil over high heat. Carefully remove all the foam, add salt, bay leaves and black peppercorns. Reduce the heat to the absolute minimum – the broth should barely bubble. Cook beef jelly about 8 hours. After an hour of cooking, remove the carrots and set them aside for decoration.

Now you need to strain the broth. Remove the bones and meat from it on a cutting board. When the meat has cooled, disassemble it into fibers. Now we will form ours beef jelly. Place the meat in portioned molds, and in our case, in cocktail glasses, squeeze the garlic through a press on top. Pour the broth over the meat, and put the boiled carrot stars on top and set aside beef jelly in the refrigerator or on the balcony if it is cold there.

After 4-5 hours, beef jelly finished. If necessary, collect the fat from the surface of the jelly using a table knife or a flat spoon.

Serve beef jelly with horseradish

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