Second dishes

Hard cheese at home

Today, you can find cheese of any taste and even color on store shelves. But the question of the naturalness of the ingredients and compliance with the storage norms of such cheese remains open.

Smakota ( offers to prepare delicious hard cheese at home.

A recipe for making hard cheese at home

  • cheese (only homemade) – 1 kg.
  • milk – 1 l.
  • oil – 200 g.
  • chicken egg (yolk) – 2 pieces.
  • salt – 3/4 tbsp.
  • soda – 1 tsp.

Three-liter and one-and-a-half-liter pots will be needed for the prescribed amount of ingredients.

In a three-liter saucepan, dilute the cheese in milk and put it on the fire, bring it to a boil, stirring occasionally.

It is necessary to ensure that the whey is completely separated from the milk.

Meanwhile, melt the butter nearby in a water bath. In a separate bowl, mix yolks, soda and salt.

As soon as the milk-cheese mixture begins to boil, turn it off and pour it into a colander with cheesecloth folded in half. We suspend the cheese and let the main stream of whey drain until it starts to drip. It takes literally half a minute.

Meanwhile, mix the contents of a separate bowl (with yolks) with melted butter in a saucepan over a water bath.

The main whey is glass, add the boiled cheese to the pan in a water bath and start stirring vigorously. This is how beautiful it turns out – the mixture doubles in size, foams, and we quickly mix everything.

Gradually, the foam subsides, and the cheese mass begins to form. We are already cooking the cheese!)) Stirring periodically, we cook for ten minutes. When the cheese mass begins to lag well behind the edges of the pan, the cheese can be transferred to an oiled form. A viscous mixture is obtained.

According to the proportions in the recipe, a mold with a diameter of 18-20 cm is required. Let the cheese cool in the mold. Then we hide it (right in the form!) in the refrigerator for four hours. After four hours, remove the cheese from the mold, wrap it in parchment paper so that it absorbs excess fat.

We hide the cheese again in the refrigerator under pressure for 12 hours. After 12 hours, remove the wick and leave the cheese in the refrigerator to rest and gain strength for the day. If you want a harder cheese, then you need to cut it into four equal parts, wrap each in parchment and leave for a day. If you don’t cut it, but leave it whole for a day, it will be softer and more elastic.

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