Pie Breakfast
Do you want to prepare something quick and tasty for breakfast for the whole family? Then the recipe “Breakfast” pie just for you. You will spend only 10 minutes preparing the dough for the pie, and when it is baked, you will have time to get to work.
“Breakfast” pie – ingredients
- Eggs – 2 pcs.
- Salt – 1/2 tsp.
- Baking powder – 1/2 tsp.
- Kefir – 1 cup.
- Flour – 1 cup.
- Cheese – 200 g.
- Sausage – 300 g.
- Tomatoes – 2 pcs.
- Greens to taste.
- Mold oil.
The recipe for the “Breakfast” pie
Preparation “Breakfast” pie very simple. To begin with, you need to grind eggs with baking powder (you can use soda) and salt, pour a glass of kefir. Mix the mixture with a mixer, gradually adding the prepared sifted flour. Dough for “Breakfast” pie should turn out like pancakes.
When you have mixed the dough well, add grated hard cheese, greens (which you like), chopped sausage (you can use sausages or boiled meat) and tomatoes. Stir the mixture well again until smooth.
Now we will bake “Breakfast” pie. Pour the dough into a mold greased with oil. Bake in an oven heated to 180 degrees for about 30 minutes.
It’s ready “Breakfast” pie. It can be served with sour cream or enjoyed with tea.